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The Perfect Solution for Choosing Your Child’s Guardian

If you have minor children and have not yet selected a guardian, you are not unlike many parents who put off this critically important task while waiting for the perfect solution to present itself. Or perhaps you and your spouse/partner cannot agree on who would be the ideal guardian for your kids. Here is your…

“See you in the Umbra!”

If you have a few minutes to kill, try doing this: Log onto,, Travelocity, Kayak, Priceline, or any of these related search engines. Search for a 1-night stay in a room on August 20, 2017 in one of the following cities: Madras, Oregon Idaho Falls, Idaho Casper, Wyoming Atchison, Kansas Carbondale, Illinois Gladstone,…

How To Protect Your Intellectual Property

Protect your ideas. Protect your investment. Intellectual Property (IP): a work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has rights and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, trademark, etc. While IP has been a concern for many years now, the pace…

What You Can Learn From the Estate Planning Mistakes of Others

There is much to be learned from the mistakes of others and the celebrity world abounds with cautionary tales when it comes to estate planning. Even with all the financial resources available to them, celebrities can neglect the basics when it comes to protecting assets. We come across sad tales all the time of “regular”…

Is Your Small Business Being Audited? Stay Calm and Read On

Audits can happen to any business. Small businesses are no exception. The IRS can conduct an audit on your business when your tax filing contains questionable deductions, your business is of particular interest to the IRS or by random selection. Contrary to popular belief, being audited doesn’t necessarily mean you did anything wrong. And for…

What are Initial Coin Offerings?

How to Raise Seed Capital as a Crypto Start-up An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the means by which cryptocurrency start-ups raise their seed capital. The process is unregulated and avoids both the scrutiny and accountability demanded by banks and venture capitalists. Backers purchase the new cryptocurrency for cash or Bitcoin at an introductory rate,…

“If You Had to Pick Just One Place….”

Ready for a tough question? Here it is: which one place on all of Earth symbolizes all of human life? Think hard.  I bet you’re not thinking of what I’m thinking. If you had to pick one place that captured all of life’s essence, all of life’s greatest moments, which place would it be?Which one place…

Understanding Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

Grow your business through mergers & acquisitions So, why Merge or Acquire? All mergers and acquisitions have a common goal: to create synergy that helps their business values grow and be greater than the two companies working individually. Now synergy takes the form of revenue enhancement and cost savings. By merging or acquiring, you would…

“Indian Mythology & Mother’s Day”

So, I’ve learned that one of the advantages of having kids is finally being able to rely on them. My first experience with this new phenomenon came yesterday when I came home from work. To my surprise, this is what was sitting on the dining table! Cards. Flowers. Sweets. Handmade offerings. All for my wife on Mother’s…

Know How To Protect Your Business Name

So, you’ve started a business and you’re starting to get some great traction. Now is the perfect time to start protecting your business name. Why is it important? Your business name is valuable and a lot of purchasing decisions are based on reputations and brand representation. It is important to understand and protect it to…

For Estate Planning, There is No Fix –It-And-Forget-It

It’s hard to believe that people who spend a lifetime working hard to accumulate wealth spend little or no time planning for what will happen to it after they pass, especially if children are in the picture.  Yet a recent Consumer Reports survey tells us that 86% of people have not reviewed or updated our estate documents…

Retirement Plan Options for Small Business Owners

Creating an estate plan for your business is just as important as developing one for your personal assets. Part of estate/succession planning for business is planning for the day you eventually retire and hand the reins of the business over to someone else, either through succession, inheritance or sale. Most small business owners want a…

How to Talk to a Loved One About Estate Planning

Estate planning rarely comes up in the course of regular conversation and if it does, it is usually involves what has happened to a celebrity’s fortune after his or her death.  The distance is safe, so the conversation can take place. But what if you need to discuss estate planning with a loved one –…

Why Estate Planning Matters for Small Business Owners

If you’re a small business owner, you undoubtedly spend countless hours juggling bills and balancing your books, not to mention all those extra hours you spend worrying about the future of the little business venture that grew and grew during the “good old days” before the recession that slammed small businesses. In fact, you’ve been…

“For Old Friends of their Fathers”

One of my favorite books is the “Celestine Prophecy.”  One of the books my dad told me to read.  Much of what I liked about it was the idea that everything is connected to everything else, and that we don’t have to settle in life for coincidences. I bring this up because in the past…

Why You Should Get Your Kids an Estate Plan

We are fairly certain the last thing your 18-year-old kid is thinking about is an estate plan.  And you are probably not thinking about one for them either, but you should be.  Here’s why:  once your child turns 18, you are no longer entitled to know about their medical records or make decisions about their…

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